Products Offered

Data Point Cloud

A 3D data point cloud is the current standard for taking inventories of all types of structures, offering a valuable database for any architects, investors, and project managers. opracowywania inwentaryzacji wszelkiego typu obiektów i stanowi cenną bazę danych dla projektantów, inwestorów i wykonawców. Może ona być odczytywana i opracowywana w różnych programach CAD.


High resolution orthophotos generated directly from the data point cloud – a fast way to acquire correctly scaled images of interiors, precise elevations, and cross-sections of historic objects.

2D Documentation

Taking advantage of our many years of design experience and laser scanning methods, we offer very precise inventory documentation with technical notes in a short amount of time.

3D Printing Files

The files contain the exact spatial model of the object in the form of a vector mesh of triangles (3D mesh) created on the basis of a point cloud.

Stratigraphic Study

Stratigraphic studies aim at assessing the value and conservation status of exposed layers of paint in art. They the basis for authenticating and dating of historic objects, and aid in the formulation of conservation recommendations.

Presentation of Objects

For promotional and marketing purposes, we offer video presentations (point cloud animation) and make the model available in PDF3D format.

Historical Building Reconstruction

Based on photographs and iconographic materials we perform 3D reconstructions of towns, monuments, and other historically significant subjects. A 3D model can be presented as an animation or a music video that depicts the history of the subject from its inception.


What and how do we scan?

Laser scanning allows you to obtain a spatial, three-dimensional model of a building in very little time. The scanners we use are made by Faro. The maximum scanning distance of 120 meters enables us to measure even large and difficult-to-reach objects such as high-rise construction, technological installations, church towers, silos, historic spaces, and other complex geometries. The great advantage of this inventory method is the accuracy and speed of the measurements – in just one day you can scan a small building or large object. Scanning can be performed under difficult conditions, regardless of time of day or lighting. The result is a data point cloud, either colored or in shades of gray, which contains all the spatial information such as the surface and volume of the object. When inventorying historic or commercial spaces, laser scanning provides the opportunity of quickly obtaining a 3D visualization of the object, for presentation to potential buyers.

Historic Buildings and Architecture

Small Architecture

Commercial Spaces and Engineering

Industrial Halls
Construction Elements

Art Pieces

Museum Exhibits

Event Location

Road Accidents
Crime Scenes
Construction Site Status


• We evaluate the work based on a local appraisal or photos and arrangements with the Contracting Authority concerning:
- Object Accessibility
- Required level of detail
- Data Point Cloud Processing Parameters.
• The standard remuneration for one work day of scanning is:  1500 - 2500 PLN. The approximate price for aggregating the data from individual scan locations into a comprehensive data point cloud representing the object in its entirety is  800 - 2000 PLN  (depends on number of scans)).
• In the span of 1 day, a smaller building or a larger object with fewer rooms (e.g. a church) may be scanned.
